Parabolan Trenbolone 5x Ampule (76.5mg/1.5ml) is an injectable applicable steroid with a great effect on the protein metabolism. Parabolan promotes strength and size gains. Usual dosage is 200 mg per week. It is one of the best effective anabolic, promoting protein synthesis as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance.
With the use of this product you will get:
• A very significant increase in muscle mass
• An impressive increase in strength.
• Aggression and temper
• Night Sweats
• Decreased cardio endurance
• Dark coloured urine.
Parabolan Trenbolone 5x Ampule (76.5mg/1.5ml) for sale online can be seen at Best Chem Plug. Buy Parabolan Trenbolone 5x Ampule (76.5mg/1.5ml) online to avail the satisfaction of goodness.